Tapping Out For A Year
Hey N,
It’s been a while since I’ve reflected and wrote to you on here. I guess a part of me just couldn’t handle producing something while it felt like the was spinning out of orbit and life felt daunting and unsettled. How could I write about style and clothing?
When I first started writing on here and sharing my journey on Instagram, my main goal was to always have these spaces be a place of joy and creativity and expression. I never wanted to feel that I HAD to post or HAD to say something - that I owed anyone anything. I was creating out of my passion and enthusiasm for slow and sustainable style and all that encompasses it. I was writing from a flowing fountain, and I felt that dry up during the pandemic. I allowed myself to drift away from these spaces becuase it wasn’t helpful to force something that wasn’t flowing. I don’t think it would have been helpful for anyone else, either.
This week, I realized that writing about my passions, making beautiful visual content, and researching what ignites my fire fills me up. I have some space coming back into my head and heart for this again. I realized that in the dark of this world, doing what makes us come alive and ignites us is exactly what will fill us up to then face the darkness, fear, frusteration, anxiety, and overwhelming thoughts out of a place of strength, rest, and health.
So I hope you are ready for more! :)
Over the last year, here are some favorite outfits as I transitioned over the seasons and travelled to where home is for now.